NingBo BeiLun Meank Magnetics Co.,Ltd.

The Popular Sizes of Neodymium Cone Magnets

Cone-shaped magnets 10x5x4mm

The 10xØ5x4mm is a small and popular size in the category of neodymium cone-shaped magnets. The magnetic field is concentrated on the smaller 5mm surface. The north pole is on the smaller surface and the pulling force of the N45 neodymium cone-shaped magnet 10/5x4mm is about 1.2kg. The 10/5x4mm cone-shaped neodymium magnet is ideal for refrigerators, whiteboards, and other metal surfaces with high magnetic properties.

Characteristics of neodymium cone-shaped magnet 10/5x4mm-N45:

  • Remanence (Br): The remanence range of N45 neodymium cone-shaped magnet 10/5x4mm is from 13200 to 13800 Gs.

  • Coercivity (Hcj): ≥955 kA/m.

  • Energy product (BHmax): The energy product of the 10/5x4mm cone-shaped neodymium magnet N45 ranges from 43 to 46 MGOe.

  • Maximum operating temperature: ≤80℃.

  • Common coating: Most 10/5x4mm neodymium cone magnets are plated with nickel and epoxy resin.

Cone-shaped magnet 15x8x6mm

For most magnet dealers, the 15/8x6mm neodymium cone-shaped magnet is sold as a standard cone-shaped magnet. Cone-shaped neodymium magnets of various grades from N35 to N52 can generate the desired magnetic force. The pulling force of the N42 neodymium cone magnet 15/8x6mm can reach about 3.1 kg.

The cone shape makes it very easy to manipulate the magnet when used as a wall nail magnet. With better appearance and stronger power, our neodymium cone-shaped magnet 15/8x6mm is sold all over the world. Bulk order quotes are lower.

Characteristics of neodymium cone-shaped magnet 15/8x6mm-N42:

  • Remanence (Br): The remanence range of N42 neodymium cone magnets (15/8x6mm) is from 12800 to 13200 Gs.

  • Coercivity (Hcj): ≥955 kA/m.

  • Energy product (BHmax): The energy product range of N42 neodymium cone-shaped magnet 15/8x6mm is from 40 to 43 MGOe.

  • Maximum operating temperature: ≤80℃.

  • Common coating: Epoxy resin and nickel are common coatings for neodymium cone magnets.

Cone-shaped magnet 20x10x8mm

The 20/10x8mm is one of the most popular sizes in the category of cone neodymium magnets.

The relatively large volume gives the cone magnets astonishing magnetic force. The pulling force of the N38 neodymium cone-shaped magnet 20/10x8mm can be as high as 4.9 kg. For stronger force, higher grades of N45, N50, and N52 can be customized. The special shape makes the powerful cone-shaped magnet the best wall nail magnet, and the cone shape helps you easily remove the magnet from any magnetic wall. Plastic washers are provided between 20/10x8mm strong cone-shaped magnets to make them easy to separate.

Characteristics of neodymium cone-shaped magnet 20/10 x8mm-N38:

  • Remanence (Br): The remanence range of the neodymium cone-shaped magnet 20/10x8mm N38 is from 12200 to 12500 Gs.

  • Coercivity (Hcj): ≥955 kA/m.

  • Energy product (BHmax): The energy product range of the neodymium cone-shaped magnet (20/10x8mm N38) is from 36 to 39 MGOe.

  • Maximum operating temperature: ≤80℃.

  • Common coating: Nickel and epoxy resin are common coatings for the 20/10x8mm cone-shaped neodymium magnet.

Cone-shaped magnet 25x13x10mm

The 25/13x10mm is a large size in the family of standard cone-shaped magnets. The north pole is on the smaller surface and the magnetic field lines are tied to the smaller surface, which gives the magnet a pulling force of about 8.6 kg. All coatings and grades are available on the 25/13x10mm neodymium cone-shaped magnet.

The 25/13x10mm rare earth cone magnet is strong, but it is easy to be removed when using the magnetic force on the smaller surface. The strong cone-shaped magnet comes with plastic washers, and the bulk ordering price is more favorable.

Characteristics of neodymium cone-shaped magnet 25/13x10mm-N38:

  • Remanence (Br): The remanence range of N38 neodymium cone-shaped magnet 25/13x10mm is from 12200 to 12500 Gs.

  • Coercivity (Hcj): ≥955 kA/m.

  • Energy product (BHmax): The energy product range of these wholesale neodymium magnets (25/13x10mm) is from 36 to 39 MGOe.

  • Maximum operating temperature: ≤80℃.

  • Common coating: Nickel and epoxy resin are commonly used coatings for 25/13x10mm cone-shaped neodymium magnets.

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